Practice Exam

1. Coaches need to help clients explore both their successes and_____?

2. Which is an example of an open-ended question?

3. A client comes to you who normally feels very positively about his career. He stated that his job is about to change and he is no longer going to be involved in pursuing his passions. The client states that he’s feeling really low and sad but stated that he wishes to talk about his work during today’s session. What’s the best way for you to proceed as the coach?

4. A coach should _________ a client’s views, beliefs, and perceptions to build trust.

5. Active listening is ______________.

6. You should help clients focus on their _______ with questions rather than staying stuck in the past.

7. Which of the following is NOT considered a “parameter of coaching”?

8. What should a coach focus on more than anything?

9. A client comes into session and has not done any work on their goals from the following week. What is the coach’s responsibility?

10. Coaches should focus on what type of goals?

Grade Exam