Practice Exam

1. What role should a coach take with a client when setting and prioritizing goals?

2. A coach should not be focused on making sure that sessions focus on the client’s issues and not __________.

3. When a client brings in many different issues to the table, the coach should pick the topic that ________________.

4. What is the difference between a coach and psychotherapist?

5. It’s important not to get caught up in the “content” of what clients communicate, but instead to focus on what?

6. A coach states in their marketing materials that they provide every client they’ve ever seen with 100% resolution of all problems in their life. What’s the problem with this statement?

7. What of the following is NOT one of the main mistakes coaches can make with clients?

8. A coach has just gone through a divorce and is feeling down and unmotivated. The coach recognizes this. What should they do?

9. A coach should _________ a client’s views, beliefs, and perceptions to build trust.

10. It is important for a coach to help clients to find a balance between ___________ and _________.

Grade Exam